December 25, 2002

What a merry Christmas!

Today was a wonderful family Christmas in the LaCour clan. It was a day filled with gifts, food, games, and family fun. What made this Christmas distinctively different for me was the high involvement of technology. I spent much of yesterday playing on my laptop with my two little cousins, who also both have laptops. At one point I believe that there were five laptops, four cellphones, a PDA, two iPods, and a digital camera all in the same room. Wild =)
cookin.JPG healthysanta.JPG lookoverlaptop.JPG
playcards.JPG rachelsnow.JPG rapidpresents.JPG
techmas.JPG willface.JPG rachelandrew.JPG
It was a beautiful, snowy day here in South Orange, and I hope that tomorrow is at least as beautiful. I am planning on taking a train into the city to watch a film, walk the streets, and generally enjoy the constant energy of New York City. Merry Christmas to all on this wonderful advent of Christ's birth! Posted by panix at December 25, 2002 08:16 PM